By using a fiber optic fabric, Kanvaslight is water-resistantBeing a light-up fabric, Kanvaslight is malleable.Kanvaslight is capable of being the optical fiber light that works as your LED replacement light.Adjustable in size, your fiber optic light will fit any size boat.Kanvaslight is an optical fiber lighting system perfect for your boat.Kanvaslight is perfectly capable of being an LED Replacement light for your pontoon.As a fiber optic fabric, Kanvaslight can be put into awnings as well.With a light up fabric, tents can be easily illuminated.Using fiber optics, Kanvaslight is the perfect LED Replacement light.Using fiber optics, Kanvaslight is the perfect LED Replacement for a patio lightWith a fiber optic fabric, even patios can be illuminated.Kanvaslight is a great LED replacement for outdoor string lightsAdjustable in size, your fiber optic fabric will fit any size boat.Using fiber optics, Kanvaslight is the perfect LED Replacement lightUsing fiber optic fabric with Kanvaslight lighting has never been more convenient.Using fiber optics, Kanvaslight is the perfect LED Replacement light.Being a light up fabric, Kanvaslight is a perfect light for your RV awningUsing fiber optics, Kanvaslight is a light that can be put into any fabric.Being a light-up fabric, Kanvaslight is malleable.Adjust the size of your fiber optic fabric to make your perfect light up fabric.While using fiber optic fabric, Kanvaslight is easily installed being a perfect LED replacement lightYou can customize your fabric lightWeave your logo into your fiber optic fabric to turn it into an optical fiber lighting piece.With optical fiber lighting, RGB is easy to obtain.Different designs can be woven into your fiber optic fabric.